TIP: You can hover over images for more information such as characters, image names and credits.
PLEASE NOTE: All images are copyrighted (C) 2018 to myself and the photographers. Please contact me before using any of my images for any purpose.
Terms and Conditions
accepted upon booking
Pre-event communication
is vital to a successful booking!
Please carefully read these terms and conditions, which are accepted upon booking.
Please ensure you convey all details of the booking to the Model beforehand. The Model is under no obligation to fulfil, and accepts no responsibility for details of the booking not previously discussed.
Half-hourly rate: £30
Hourly rate: £50
Half and full day rates are charged on an hourly basis.
Payment for the booking must be received by the Model in full within 10 working days of the date the booking will take place.
Payment is accepted in cash, paypal or via bank transfer using the bank details given to the Client upon booking. Alternative methods for payment must be discussed and agreed by the Model.
Travel within Central London Zone 1 is covered by the Model, with no additional cost to the Client.
Travel outside of Central London Zone 1 must be covered by the Client, in addition to any other payments agreed, unless discussed and agreed by the Model.
Travel times of more than 1 hour require a minimum booking time of 3 hours.
Travel times of more than 3 hours requires at least one overnight stay, with costs covered by the Client. The Model requires access to a private room and use of facilities.
Full day bookings with travel time of more than 1 hour requires at least one overnight stay, with costs covered by the Client. The Model requires access to a private room and use of facilities.
The Model has the right to refuse booking on the basis of travel, accommodation or shoot duration.
Trade shoots
Limited spaces are available at the discretion of the Model, as agreed on an individual basis.
Agreement to a full trade shoot will require extensive evidence of good working practice, including a full portfolio and reviews to be submitted.
Full trade shoots will incur no cost to Model or Client, unless otherwise agreed.
Agreement to a full trade shoot requires a minimum of 5 high quality, professional standard, fully retouched/edited images, unless otherwise agreed.
Images must be provided no later than one month after the shoot date, unless reasonable explanation of exceptional circumstance is given and agreed.
Part-trade shoots
Limited spaces are available at the discretion of the Model, as agreed on an individual basis.
Agreement to a part-trade shoot will require evidence of good working practice, including a full portfolio and reviews to be submitted.
Part-trade shoots will be charged at a rate discussed between the Client and the Model. This rate will be agreed before the shoot, and assessed on an individual basis.
Agreement to a part-trade shoot requires a minimum of 5 high quality, professional standard, fully retouched/edited images, unless otherwise agreed.
Images must be provided no later than one month after the shoot date, unless reasonable explanation of exceptional circumstance is given and agreed.
Bookings may run to 10 minutes after the specified end time without incurring an additional charge.
Bookings overrunning by more than 10 minutes will incur a charge equal to the half-hourly rate.
Bookings overrunning by more than 30 minutes will incur a charge equal to the full hourly rate for each additional hour.
Overtime on bookings is subject to the Model’s schedule, and leniency cannot be guaranteed. If this is a requirement for your booking, please specify beforehand.
The total hours booked is the minimum hours that must be paid for. If a job finishes prior to the originally booked time, the Model must be paid for the original hours booked regardless.
A deposit equal to 25% of the full quoted value is payable in advance in the event that the Client cannot provide more than 5 working references.
This deposit is refundable in the case of cancellation by the Model only. The deposit will not be refunded under any other circumstances, unless agreed by the Model on an individual basis.
Payment is accepted in cash, paypal or via bank transfer using the bank details given to the Client upon booking. Alternative methods for payment must be discussed and agreed by the Model.
Additional deposits in the case of commissions of costumes for bookings may apply (see below).
Cancellations by the Model result in complete refund of any paid deposits.
The Model is not subject to any terms for cancellations other than outlined in the terms and conditions, or otherwise agreed. The Model retains the right to refuse or cancel any booking at any time, and on any basis.
In the case of cancellation by the Client, the Model reserves the right to retain any paid deposits, or request immediate payment of any deposits still outstanding.
In the case of cancellation by the Client with more than 1 weeks’ notice, no additional cancellation fee is incurred.
In the case of cancellation by the Client with less than 1 weeks’ notice, a cancellation fee equal to 50% of the agreed cost of the booking will be charged.
In the case of cancellation by the Client with less than 24 hours’ notice, a cancellation fee equal to 100% of the agreed cost of the booking will be charged.
In the case of failure of the Client to attend the booking without notice a cancellation fee equal to 100% of the agreed cost of the booking will be charged.
Payment is accepted in cash, paypal or via bank transfer using the bank details given to the Client upon booking. Alternative methods for payment must be discussed and agreed by the Model.
Cancellation fees must be received by the Model in full within 10 working days of the cancellation date, or date of non-attendance.
Commissions of costumes for bookings
Preparation of a costume or character cosplay specific for your booking is welcome.
Requirements for costume bookings must be discussed within reasonable notice in order to ensure full costume availability. Costume availability cannot be guaranteed for short-notice bookings
The making or preparation of the costume may incur an additional charge, payable as a deposit in advance of preparation. This will be discussed on an individual basis between Model and Client.
Preparation of costumes are subject to the timescale of the booking. If costumes are not completed prior to the booking date, the booking will be cancelled by the Model, and any deposits refunded. The booking may then be rescheduled, if so desired.
Separate fittings will be charged at half the Model’s normal rate for a maximum of 1 fitting.
2nd and subsequent fittings will be charged at the Model’s full normal rate.
Specific Maintenance Requests
Manicures, tanning, additional hair maintenance requests etc. will be charged at half the Model’s normal rate, unless specifically negotiated, in addition the actual cost for the requested Maintenance to reimburse the Model.
Usage and Additional Fees
All photography is to be used for the purpose for which it was originally intended, as agreed between Model and Client. It is the Client’s responsibility to notify the Model of any intended usage before the commencement of the booking.
Usage fees and rights are to be discussed between Model and Client on an individual basis prior to the release of images for the specified purpose.
Use of the images, by way of (but not restricted to) Advertising, Swing Tags, Posters, Show Cards, Pack Shots, Billboards, Websites, Bus-Sides etc, must be negotiated and duly authorised with the Model prior to the booking taking place.
Usage rights are not granted to the Client until payment in full has been received. Any further extension of usage or territory must be immediately notified to and negotiated with the Model, and may occur additional fees.
The Model reserves the right to refuse the release of images for any use, for any reason, including extensions of existing print and television campaigns. Any image used without written authorisation or prior approval from the Model will be deemed unauthorised usage and will be subject to legal proceedings.
Ownership of all images of the Model remains with the Model at all times and any unauthorized use or replication of their image will be an infringement of Copyright Laws.
At no time does ownership of any image of the Model revert to either the Photographer or Client and said images can only be used where Usage fees have been agreed and paid to the Model.
The Photographer is not entitled to use any of the images he/she takes for any use beyond that agreed under section “Usage and Additional Fees”. The Photographer to this extent agrees to restrict use of his/her copyright, and if the Client is not a Photographer, the Client is to draw these terms and conditions to the attention of the Photographer and to obtain their agreement prior to the commencement of the shoot.
Test Photography may not be used for any purpose unless specific arrangements have been made with the Model prior to release.
Release forms
Any terms and conditions outlined in this document may be negated by the signing of an additional release form.
Model release forms must be presented prior to the booking, allowing good time for amendments.
The Model reserves the right to refuse to sign a Model release form for any reason, which she is under no obligation to specify.
Upon signing a Model release form, the Model reserves the right to retain a copy for her own records.
Additional release forms on the behalf of third parties may be requested by either the Model or the Client.
These terms and conditions are legally binding. Any deviation, including but not limited to: failure to adhere; unreceived payments, failure to provide images; breach of useage rights; breach of copyright, unless otherwise agreed by the Model, may incur legal action against the Client.
The form entitled ‘Agreement to Terms and Conditions’ must be signed before booking is confirmed.
For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions and the form ‘Agreement to Terms and Conditions’, the Client is any person or persons involved in any booking with the Model, including but not limited to: photo shoots; video shoots; events; fittings; test shoots; auditions; entertainment displays; panels; conventions.